In deel drie van onze zesdelige serie over de Wallen gaan we mee met Agapi, het gezelligste raamverhuurbedrijf uit de buurt. Agapi wordt gerund door Devenando en Barry, allebei twintigers die niks hebben met pooiers en andere louche zaken. Ze verhuren kamers aan sekswerkers die over het algemeen dol op ze zijn, en met wie ze soms een barbecue organiseren of naar de Pannenkoekenboot gaan.
De Wallen zijn een plek met een berucht imago en waar een hoop vooroordelen over zijn. In onze serie Achter de Wallen volgen we de mensen die dagelijks in deze buurt werken, om vanuit hun perspectief te zien wat voor wijk dit nu is. Geen pooiers, drugsdealers en junks – maar schoonmakers, gidsen van vrijgezellenfeestjes, en het gezelligste raamverhuurbedrijf van Amsterdam, waar sekswerkers soms een appeltaartje voor elkaar bakken.Click here to subscribe to VICE:
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Voor wie zich afvraagt waarom er ineens een Nederlandse video op dit internationale kanaal te zien is: nee, dit is geen foutje. Voortaan kun je namelijk ook al onze Nederlandse producties hier bekijken, te beginnen met alle afleveringen van ‘Achter de Wallen’. Meer video’s van VICE Nederland vind je hier:
How much do they usually cost
How much does it cost for a sexual experience in the red light district?
Will reduce r-word cases in official data.
There will be tens of thousands of unofficial r-word transaction & trafficking.
They need god
Just like Butters
In ENGISH-Please.
the obvious question – how did you get the money to buy the rooms – mortgages? is not asked.
I love how they check on the girls and treat them with respect and dignity.
8:40 construction company’s should listen to this chap
Vice is awesome, always has excellent production value.
“We dont force, they are free.” ….. ya. They dont force women who were anyway forced to choose this as an option.
Traffickers are there too. Saw a documentary . Not all nicey
Are the women foreigners?
Why don't they speak dutch to them?
I'm from south africa and speak Afrikaans similar to Nederland language
I went to the red light District several times, and never once had a woman agree to meet with me. Usually when I will try to get their attention to meet me at the door, she would just wag her finger no. The only person that I ever did get to answer the door said she wanted €150 for 20 minutes. I thought that was rather extreme. I have no idea what it generally is there, but that seemed a bit ridiculous.
Guys who look after them are so handsome and very respectful of the women no judgement
Great topic but i dont read subs shame
Amsterdam seems so "chill!"
The first time I visited Amsterdam in 1982 was a real "eye opener". I was quite surprised at how open the entire community was about the sex workers in the "red light" district, which I later learned wasn't the only part of town where the girls could ply their trade openly and safely. Women are generally safer and there is far less sex crime in the Netherlands than the United States, and I attribute that to the pragmatic Dutch approach to prostitution. Such an approach is sorely needed in the United States, a country more concerned with "morality" than common sense.
Yes, to safe sex work! So important.